Aesthetic surgery focuses on bettering the physical qualities of the body through medical procedures in order to satisfy the patient’s individual preferences
The doors of LILT are open to everyone: each of us has a story, a life, and can give us much. In 2022 LILT, the Italian...
Women who survive violence must undergo surgery to return to a new normal. In Italy in the last year 125 women were killed; 68 of them...
«Sutures in Space is the first experiment that tries to verify what happens to injured and sutured human tissues in space». With these words Doctor Marco...
What is the effect of space on scars? Revée is funding research. On November 22 2022 will leave the space mission that will bring into orbit...
In Italy are estimated about 600-700 new cases of cleft lip every year. Gian Luca Gatti, specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, medical director at...
Counteracting fake news is impossible, but you can make correct information thanks to experience. Claudio Bernardi, plastic surgeon and president of AICPE, Italian Association of Aesthetic...
Chiara Stocco, a plastic surgeon who works in the Arab Emirates after having trained between the Universities of Padova and Trieste, tells how to protect the...
Doctor Emanuele Zavattero, maxillofacial surgeon at the City of Health and Science Hospital in Turin, the Molinette garrison, the Regina Margherita Hospital and the CTO, tells...
Doctor Stefano Marianelli, Plastic and Esthetic Specialized Surgeon in Florence and Head of the Plastic Surgery Unit of the Leonardo Da Vinci Clinic, tells us about...
Today, women have a different consideration of their bodies’ needs. Mariateresa Moretti, Physiotherapist, Pelvic Floor rehab specialist and currently rehab specialist in aesthetical and functional gynecology, says that women...
Cristina Sartorio, Surgeon specialized in esthetic surgery in Torino, tells us about how her e-book “Beauty of imperfection” sold on Amazon, is a manual for women...
Mariagrazia Punzo is the President of the Association Pagaie Rosa Dragon Boat ONLUS of Castel Gandolfo. She says how important it is for a woman who...