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The importance of skin protection



proteggere la pelle

Skin protection is crucial, especially in summer. As the sunny season arrives, daily sun exposure becomes routine for many, but not without risks. Our skin, the body’s largest organ, is vulnerable to damage from ultraviolet rays, which can cause not only sunburns but also more severe conditions like melanoma.

This type of skin cancer, originating from melanocytes, can be extremely dangerous if not detected and treated in time. «The main risk factor for this disease is sun exposure, and early exposure can contribute to the development of melanoma even in very young individuals», emphasizes Dr. Andrea Lisa, a specialist in plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery. Prevention and sun protection are therefore essential to maintain healthy skin and reduce the risk of developing skin diseases.

The cases of melanoma are steadily increasing, with significant variations among different Italian regions. «In Italy, the incidence is estimated at around 12-13 new cases per year per 100,000 inhabitants. Higher rates are recorded in the northern regions compared to the southern ones – explains Dr. Franco Castelli, director of the dermatology and venereology unit at the Koelliker Hospital in Turin -. Turin, in particular, has considerable numbers, with 18-29 cases per 100,000 inhabitants». This increase is attributable to various factors, including genetic predisposition and the number of sunburns experienced during childhood and adolescence.

Protecting your skin from the risk of melanoma

Melanoma does not only affect the skin but can also rarely affect the uvea. Genetic predisposition plays a key role in the onset of melanoma. «There are specific genes that increase the predisposition to developing this neoplasm – adds Castelli –. However, the number of moles is a debatable risk factor. “There are patients without moles who develop melanoma, while having a high number of moles can increase the likelihood of developing it over a lifetime», continues Castelli.

A particularly underestimated risk factor is the number of sunburns, especially during adolescence. «Ultraviolet ray damage affects our immune system in the first twenty, twenty-five years of life. Especially patients of my generation did not adequately protect their skin – Castelli continues -. Furthermore, the use of sunbeds or tanning lamps represents an additional risk, especially at a young age»

Professor Stefania Tenna, a specialist in plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery at the Campus Bio-Medico in Rome, highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of skin cancers. «85% of skin cancer cases are treated and curable with surgical therapy alone. However, 15% of cases can be at risk. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully evaluate the therapeutic approach for the patient». Early diagnosis is essential, and collaboration among specialists is fundamental in defining the best therapeutic strategy.

Personal experiences and awareness

Anna Maisetti’s story, founder of the “Stile Compresso” community, highlights the importance of taking care of skin health. «A simple mole turned into a radical life change», Maisetti recounts. At 22, a bump discovered during a waxing session turned out to be melanoma. Excessive use of tanning beds and exposure to the sun during peak hours, without protection, contributed to her condition. Discovered too late, the melanoma led to the removal of inguinal lymph nodes and the development of lymphedema, a chronic and debilitating disease.

Her experience underscores the importance of sun protection and regular check-ups. «To fight cancer and avoid relapses, I started taking care of my skin, moles, and scars with regular check-ups and the use of protective creams», explains Maisetti. Her story is a powerful reminder of the need to protect the skin and the importance of prevention and self-examination in the early diagnosis of melanoma.

Today, there is increasing attention from influencers and public figures on the risks of skin cancer, as in the case of Valentina Ferragni’s testimony. These messages help break the stigma and encourage the public to take sun protection and regular mole check-ups seriously, promoting a culture of prevention that could save many lives.

«It’s beneficial that people talk about it because it raises awareness», concludes Dr. Lisa, highlighting the importance of public awareness in the fight against skin cancers.

The power of prevention in protecting the skin from cancers

Anna Maisetti’s story and the words of experts remind us of the importance of prevention and constant care of our skin. Protecting oneself from the sun’s rays and carefully monitoring changes in moles are not just precautions but essential steps to prevent potentially lethal conditions like melanoma. With the advent of multidisciplinary approaches and growing public awareness, we can hope for a future where skin cancers are diagnosed and treated promptly, thus reducing their impact on people’s lives.

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