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DayScar: the scar treatment protocol enters a mobile app

Presented in Rome, during the National Congress of SICPRE (Italian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive, Regenerative and Aesthetic Surgery), the new application was developed under the scientific supervision of the Polytechnic University of Marche in Ancona, with the support of Revee Srl.
The scar treatment is marked by innovation thanks to Day Scar. The app, developed with the support of Revee Srl, a Turin-based company specialising in the production of medical devices, post-operative garments and scar creams was presented in a preview on Thursday, September 21st, during the 71st National Congress of SICPRE (Italian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive, Regenerative and Aesthetic Surgery) in Rome.
The application was conceived by Dr. Alberto Pau, doctor in specialised training in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the Polytechnic University of Marche, who also provided scientific support under the supervision of Professor Giovanni Di Benedetto, Director of the School of Specialisation at the same university. The app was developed by the Neapolitan startup, Hack The Duck.

“DayScar is a significant step forward for patients and doctors – comments Stefano Borgia CEO of Revée – An educational method has been created that, thanks to a mobile app, allows you to perform a specific treatment protocol on scars”.
DayScar a support in Scar Treatment
The application was presented as a part of the initiatives “The Plastic surgery of the future – a new algorithm for health, education, ethics and well-being”. To date the app is not yet visible on major stores, but available to some testers, doctors and developers. It will only be made public once it has successfully passed the testing phase and has been medically evaluated.
«The idea to develop the app arose during my training in Maxillofacial Surgery in Novara. I observed a significant difficulty faced by patients in performing the massages recommended by the surgeon. Thanks to DayScar, we hope to assist all patients in scar care» – says Dr. Alberto Pau «In the second testing phase, we will conduct an evaluation between those who use the app and those who do not, but the results are already promising».

With DayScar, it will be easier for the doctor to follow the wound healing process. In the application, indeed, all the steps on how to massage the scar in the right way are shown through videos.
«We are proud to say that the app has been considered valid for the application of the 50% ownership patent of the Polytechnic University of Marche and 50% of Revee s.r.l – commented Pau and Borgia – The logo has been registered and fully reflects the “Z Concept” which mirrors the intensity of the massage and also a type of plastic surgery dear to us surgeons. This is where the application’s logo is derived from» adds Pau.
Among the advantages of the application there are constant support, daily reminders and the customisation of notifications that the patient receives.
«An adequate treatment of surgical scars ideally completes the therapeutic path aimed at achieving an optimal aesthetic result. I felt that the project was extremely valid and I gave my complete availability to fully support it» commented Prof. Di Benedetto.
An innovative protocol
The innovative treatment protocol is structured around a standardised scheme in terms of technique and execution time (lasting 6 months). Three types of massages have been identified according to the intensity of execution (light, moderate, high) and combined to create sequences with increasing intensity, from the first to the third month and from the fourth to the sixth month.
The protocol has been integrated and developed in the app that provides the patient with textual and visual guidance for performing the massages, answers to FAQ about scars with suggestions for their treatment and progress tracking to motivate the patient.
Borgia adds: «treating scars properly is crucial, so we supported the development of the app that includes alerts designed to help the patient in maintaining consistency to achieve the best result».
«Presenting this project at SICPRE, a national stage, was a source of great pride» concludes Pau.