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2023 on Revée News – second part



Revée News

The journey through the news presented by Revée News in 2023 continues. In this article, we explore the most relevant news and themes addressed in the last six months of the year. A semester characterised by in-depth coverage of cancer prevention topics.

July offered an insightful perspective on various facets of aesthetic and surgical medicine, narrating stories of transformation and rebirth. From gender reassignment journeys to non-invasive rhinoplasty and abdominoplasty, the articles of the month highlighted experiences of change, self-acceptance, and redemption.

The gender reassignment process is a complex journey with bureaucratic challenges and significant waiting times. Dr. Giulia Lo Russo, a specialist in plastic surgery, provided a positive experience, exploring the creation of the male chest for individuals assigned female at birth (AFAB).

Dr. Luca Grassetti discussed rhinofillers, a non-invasive alternative to traditional rhinoplasty. This quick and versatile procedure offers appreciable results in shaping the nose without more invasive interventions. The choice between rhinofillers and rhinoplasty depends on patient preferences and desired outcomes. Abdominoplasty, examined through Dr. Agostino Bruno‘s experience, aims to reshape the abdomen, combining aesthetics and functionality. The procedure can be combined with other interventions, such as mastoplasty, for a complete body reshaping.

During this month, aesthetic medicine has shown to be not only a matter of physical appearance but also of inner rebirth. The stories of those undertaking these paths reflect the strength of authenticity and the ability to overcome social stereotypes.

Breast Identity and awareness

Starting from August, Revée News focused on breast pathologies. Dr. Salvatore Carlucci, an expert in tuberous breast correction, explained it as a malformation with a high sub-mammary groove, poor fullness in the lower pole of the breast, and overall asymmetry. A condition affecting about 5% of women, its correction requires a complex yet satisfying intervention, allowing affected women to significantly improve the aesthetic appearance of the breast, regaining confidence and enhancing their quality of life.

In September, dedicated to breast cancer awareness, various crucial topics for women’s health were addressed. Breast cancer, a serious disease affecting the female population, is increasingly treatable thanks to medical advances. Dr. Maurizio Bruno Nava, a specialist in general, plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery, as well as oncology, shared his extensive experience in breast cancer cases. Emphasising the importance of secondary prevention for early diagnosis and subsequent healing.

Awareness campaigns, such as Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day (Bra Day), are crucial to inform women about treatment options, including innovative plastic surgery techniques. Dr. Nava advocates for a three-meeting approach to actively involve women in the care process. Ensuring they are well-informed and confident in their choices.

Oncologist Nicola Rocco shared developments in breast cancer research, including progress in immunotherapy and the search for biomarkers for early diagnosis, emphasising the importance of dissemination and education through conferences like the MBN Oncoplastic Breast Meeting.

In September, Professor Luigi Cataliotti presented Senonetwork Italia, aiming to create a network of breast centres throughout Italy to provide consistent care to women with breast cancer, reducing the need for costly travel. The rights of cancer patients were at the centre of an interview with lawyer Luana Sciamanna, highlighting the right to free treatments and therapies and explaining benefits for employed individuals during the illness period.

Radiologist Massimo Calabrese emphasised the importance of radiology in early diagnosis, highlighting the utility of tomosynthesis mammography and contrast-enhanced mammography, along with the growing role of artificial intelligence.

Dr. Laura Biganzoli proposed a patient-centred approach to breast cancer care, promoting the use of multidisciplinary Breast Units. Breast oncology nurses Marisa Beltramo and Maria Teresa Rinarelli discussed the crucial role of oncology nurses in the evolution of care, with a focus on oncological pathology considered chronic.

Professor Massimo Aglietta illustrated the mission of the Oncological Network of the Piedmont Region, working on diagnosis, screening, and palliative care. He also emphasised the commitment against pain in oncology patients through a manifesto.

Surgeon Francesco Coratti presented innovative techniques, such as laparoscopic reconstruction, to address abdominal diastasis, offering satisfactory results with minimal impact.

November: Male Cancers and Surgery

November led us to explore a series of crucial topics, focusing on various aspects of health and aesthetic surgery. In particular, attention was given to raising awareness and preventing male cancers, facial aesthetic surgery, gynecomastia, and blepharoplasty.

Starting with the “A Mustache for Research” campaign promoted by the Molinette Research Foundation, the main goal was to raise awareness about the prevention of male cancers, with particular attention to prostate and testicular cancers, as recalled by Prof. Paolo Gontero, director of the urological clinic at Molinette Hospital. The campaign goes beyond fundraising to improve prostate surgery through three-dimensional (3D) technology; it also introduced an innovative volunteer activity in the main squares of Turin. Renowned plastic surgeon Prof. Alessandro Gualdi shared his vision on facial aesthetic surgery. His career has been dedicated to achieving extremely natural and harmonious results. Facial aesthetic surgery is a broad field covering various procedures, including otoplasty, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, and facial rejuvenation.

Dr. Daniele Bollero, plastic surgeon, provided an in-depth analysis of gynecomastia, emphasising the importance of accurate diagnosis through ultrasound. Beyond physical aspects, Dr. Bollero highlighted the psychological distress associated with this condition and presented targeted solutions, such as gland removal and liposuction.

Finally, Dr. Massimo Dolcet addressed the topic of ageing in the orbito-palpebral region and the importance of blepharoplasty in countering the signs of ageing. This non-invasive and increasingly requested procedure offers rapid recovery and quickly healing scars.

December: prevention, aesthetic surgery and mental health

The December articles covered various topics in the field of medicine, focusing on conditions such as lipedema, aesthetic surgery, and breast cancer prevention.

Dr. Gianluca Sapino, a specialist in plastic surgery, speaking about lipedema, a condition characterised by abnormal fat accumulation in the lower limbs, emphasised the importance of early diagnosis. Conservative treatment, including the use of compression garments, is often the first approach, but in more severe cases or when conservative treatment is insufficient, surgical interventions such as liposuction may be necessary.

A fundamental figure in the medical field, but little known, is that of the pathologist. Dr. Francesca Pietribiasi explained the essential role of this profession in diagnosing breast cancer. It was highlighted how pathology analyses macroscopic and microscopic alterations in tissues, contributing to the definition of the therapeutic path.

Finally, Dr. Adriano Santorelli, plastic surgeon, explored the growing popularity of gluteoplasty in aesthetic surgery. The doctor discussed the techniques used, such as gluteal prosthesis insertion, and the ethical considerations related to unrealistic expectations created by social media.

2023 concludes with an interview with Andrea Dughera, a psychologist and psychotherapist, president of the Parole in Movimento ETS association, who talks about the Protezione Famiglie Fragili project, created to support families with individuals affected by oncological pathologies and other conditions of fragility.

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