The doors of LILT are open to everyone: each of us has a story, a life, and can give us much. In 2022 LILT, the Italian...
Women who survive violence must undergo surgery to return to a new normal. In Italy in the last year 125 women were killed; 68 of them...
«Sutures in Space is the first experiment that tries to verify what happens to injured and sutured human tissues in space». With these words Doctor Marco...
In Italy are estimated about 600-700 new cases of cleft lip every year. Gian Luca Gatti, specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, medical director at...
There are quite a few post-op tools that help reduce abdominoplasty complications. Doctor Francesco Russo, specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery in Milan, explains how...
Carla Diamanti, president of the ONLUS “Let’s Put the Tits out there”, tells how the movement that led to the establishment of the association, which deals...
Riccardo D’Elicio, president of CUS Torino and organizer of the race Just The Woman I Am, tells how sport is an awareness-raising tool that can help...