Medical doctors and Surgeons
Surgery on lymphedema: a personalised approach
Treating lymphedema is a complex challenge that requires a multidisciplinary and personalised approach. In the second article of this deep-dive, Dr. Pontini, plastic surgeon at the Alto Vicentino hospital, will examine the crucial role plastic surgery plays as an important step in the patient’s healing journey.

Dr. Pontini will showcase the groundbreaking surgical techniques used to better patients’ quality of life, underscoring the importance of intervening quickly and the collaboration between different medical fields to achieve optimal results in treating this chronic and debilitating condition.
«Lymphedema surgery is not a monolith – Dr. Pontini underlines – A single procedure capable of solving all issues simply doesn’t exist». What it takes is «a series of different surgical techniques that must be tailored to the specific patient, taking into consideration all of the possible approaches and the entirety of the pathology treated surgically».
Treating lymphedema through surgery
It’s important to discuss heterogenous techniques that have to be adapted to each patient. «There’s no guarantee that lymphatic microsurgery, distinct from physiotherapy treatment, can significantly improve the patient’s condition», claims Dr. Pontini, underscoring the importance of a collaboration between surgeons and physiotherapists.
Lymphedema surgery is not limited to renewing lymphatic pathways, but it also includes approaches meant to prevent the disease during early stages, such as the way practised in Breast Units, in order to limit the damage to the lymphatic system. Moreover, it’s crucial to consider less invasive procedures and carefully plan each reconstructive phase to prevent and appropriately manage lymphedema.
The treatment of lymphedema also relies on the use of specific devices, such as elastic compression sleeves and bras designed to facilitate lymphatic return and maintain results over time. «These devices are a fundamental part of the treatment», notes Dr. Pontini, emphasising that their correct application and management by the patient are crucial for long-term success.
The importance of devices and educating patients
Furthermore, the role of the patient is crucial in managing the pathology. «The patient becomes the protagonist of their treatment», claims Dr. Pontini, adding that a proper education around one’s health is paramount to guarantee that patients understand the importance of consistency in their treatment and adopt a healthy lifestyle. «Because, when patients are properly treated and manage their condition with care, the risks of complications are drastically reduced».

The Centre is committed not only to healing patients, but also preventing the disease, educating and sensitising the public, contributing to bettering people’s quality of life and reducing the impact of this chronic condition. Thanks to the collaboration between specialists and the use of innovative techniques, the Regional “Centro Hub” for lymphedema of Asiago represents a key player in treating lymphedema on a regional and national scale.