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Senonetwork Italy, Cataliotti and breast cancer



«Senonetwork’s purpose is to establish a network of qualified specialised centres where patients can seek treatment with a level of uniformity that would not otherwise be taken for granted in Italy»

M.D. Luigi Cataliotti, an urologist and senologist, former full professor at the University of Florence, and president of Senonetwork Italy

Breast cancer is a serious and widespread condition that affects many women in Italy and around the world. However, not all of them receive the right treatments and information to combat this disease, both physically and psychologically. That’s why Senonetwork Italia was established. It is currently led by M.D. Luigi Cataliotti, an urologist and senologist, former full professor at the University of Florence, and president of the association. The purpose of Senonetwork is to promote a high-quality network of specialised centres throughout Italy.

What is Senonetwork Italia?

M.D. Luigi Cataliotti, an urologist and senologist, former full professor at the University of Florence, and president of Senonetwork Italy

Senonetwork Italia is a project born in 2013 with the aim of uniting all Italian centers dedicated to breast cancer care, under one national organisation. Its primary goal is to offer all Italian women equal access to treatment, no matter where they are in Italy, without forcing patients to endure inconvenient, costly, or nearly impossible travel for the care they need.

«Senonetwork’s purpose is to establish a network of qualified specialised centres where patients can seek treatment with a level of uniformity that would not otherwise be taken for granted in Italy» emphasises Cataliotti. «Travelling has a series of negative consequences, not only financial but also psychological» he points out. In the face of such an important condition, the involvement is not only of the patients «but also of their families, and moving from one place to another is a significant inconvenience» according to Cataliotti.

Senonetwork’s goal is to facilitate communication between centres. «We promote the training of professionals working in different Breast Units through webinars, meetings, and congresses, exploring new topics in the field of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment» continues the president of Senonetwork, highlighting the need for cutting-edge training for doctors working closely with patients.

Women and Breast Cancer: The Importance of Cooperation

The quality of care and the centrality of dialogue with patients are fundamental aspects in breast centres. «Diagnosis, in-depth analysis, and communication should be carried out from the very beginning by a multidisciplinary team where each professional contributes their expertise, from psycho-oncologists to nurses». Every woman is unique and requires different approaches, which is why a team of skilled professionals capable of both diagnosing and listening is the best solution.

«It is extremely important for the patient to feel in good hands from the very beginning» Cataliotti continues. «The ability of cancer patients to understand everything is limited due to strong psychological involvement; breast cancer nurses play a crucial role in establishing a connection between doctor and patient and explaining certain complex steps» he insists, emphasising the importance of keeping women fully informed about everything they will go through.

Breast centres are also crucial during the recovery and follow-up period, ensuring that patients are fully healed. «These women must undergo regular check-ups throughout their lives or at least for several years after recovery, and the centre should be their reference point».

Updates in Senology, Senonetwork’s Conference

Due to the particular complexity of this disease, Senonetwork has been organising the “Updates in Senology” conference for years, providing comprehensive training for all specialists involved in breast cancer treatment. «We invite the top experts in these fields to an extremely welcoming auditorium, where we all come together, up to nine hundred people» explains Cataliotti.

«The success is due to those who speak at our conference, where there are no friends or friends of friends, only top experts in their fields, the cream of the crop of medicine. Even after participating for several years, I must say that I am still enthusiastic about listening to all of them, from the very beginning to the last presentation» Cataliotti concludes with satisfaction.
Breast cancer continues to pose a significant challenge to women’s health.

The commitment of figures like Dr. Luigi Cataliotti and the Senonetwork Italia association is essential in the fight against this disease. Only through medical progress, clinical research, and a multidisciplinary approach will it be possible to definitively eradicate breast cancer, providing all patients with a high-quality and personalised care journey.

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