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Medical doctors and Surgeons

Integrated Approach to Body Reshaping with Prof. Vindigni



Body reshaping and obesity are central themes in medicine, with a significant impact on healthcare. On the occasion of the World Obesity Day, which is celebrated on March 4th, attention focuses on one of the most pressing public health challenges. Obesity is not merely an aesthetic issue, but a complex condition that requires an integrated approach to ensure lasting results and improve the quality of life for patients.

At the upcoming conference on March 15th in Venice, titled “Focus on Integrated Approach to Body Reshaping: From Nutraceuticals to New Technologies in Plastic Surgery,” Dr. Vincenzo Vindigni, Professor of Plastic Surgery at the University of Padua, shared some of the key themes that will be discussed at the event, sponsored by Sicpre, and hosted by the SS. Pietro e Paolo Hospital.

The Importance of a Multidisciplinary Approach to Body Reshaping

dottor Vincenzo Vindigni, professore ordinario di Chirurgia Plastica presso l’Università di Padova

The conference, organised by scientific directors Franco Bassetto (Professor of Plastic Surgery at the University of Padua, Director of the Plastic Surgery Unit at the A.O.U. of Padua), Antonio Paoli (Professor of Exercise and Sport Sciences at the University of Padua, Director of the Laboratory of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padua), and Vincenzo Vindigni, will explore the multidisciplinary approach integrating nutraceuticals, non-invasive treatments, and advanced surgical techniques. The day will be structured into five sessions, focusing on nutritional, genetic, psychological, and technological aspects of body reshaping.

Professor Vindigni emphasised that the treatment of patients undergoing significant weight loss cannot be limited to plastic surgery alone. «The integrated approach involves the involvement of specialists from various fields, from nutrition to psychology, to physical exercise, to ensure better and lasting results».

In Padua, the medical team has developed a model that includes a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s health status, incorporating nutritional and psychological aspects. Nutraceuticals, which refer to specific natural supplements that contribute to beneficial effects on the body, are a key component of this pathway to enhance healing and post-operative well-being.

The Role of Nutraceuticals and the Ketogenic Diet

One of the main topics at the conference will be nutraceuticals and their impact on wound healing after surgery. «We have published several studies demonstrating how the deficiency of certain nutrients can negatively affect healing and increase the risk of complications», explained Professor Vindigni.

The ketogenic diet will also be a central theme of the event. «Thanks to studies conducted with Professor Antonio Paoli, we are analyzing the effect of the ketogenic diet on maintaining post-operative results in post-bariatric patients. This nutritional strategy can help preserve muscle mass while reducing fat tissue, thus improving the overall outcome», he added.

Psychological Aspects and Impact on Quality of Life

Professor Vindigni then highlighted the importance of psychol ogical support for post-bariatric patients.

rimodellamento corporeo

«Surgery is not only an aesthetic matter but a fundamental step in improving quality of life. Therefore, proper psychological assessment is essential to ensure that the patient’s expectations are realistic and that the recovery process is adequately supported».

Another topic of great interest that will be discussed at the conference is the treatment of lipedema and lymphedema. «These are complex conditions that require integrated treatment. Surgery alone is not enough: physical exercise protocols, specific nutrition, and proper post-operative care are essential to ensure long-term results».

The Evolution of the Human Body and the Role of Epigenetics

Finally, Professor Vindigni shared some reflections on the evolution of human physiology in recent decades. «The increase in obesity trends is not only linked to dietary habits but also to epigenetic factors that influence individual predisposition. This is why, in Padua, we have developed a diagnostic-therapeutic assistance pathway for obesity with a holistic and integrated approach».The Venice conference on March 15 promises to be a significant opportunity to explore these topics and promote a more comprehensive vision of post-bariatric treatment. The goal? «To ensure patients not only achieve a satisfactory aesthetic result but also experience a genuine improvement in their quality of life», concluded Professor Vindigni.

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