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“Centro Hub” and managing lymphedema 



Lymphedema, a chronic and debilitating condition characterised by the build-up of fluids and proteins in certain parts of the body, represents a significant challenge to modern medicine. Dr. Silvia Fontana talked about this important issue during her interview, physiatrist at AULSS 7 Pedemontana and scientific lead at the regional “Centro Hub” for Lymphedema in Veneto, and Dr. Alex Pontini, plastic surgeon at the Alto Vicentino Hospital. 

In order to properly analyse the topic, the interview has been broken into two separate articles. In the first, the pathology and the role of the “Centro Hub” is examined through the words of Dr. Fontana. In the second article, Dr. Pontini’s ideas are further explored, focusing on surgical options and a multidisciplinary approach that may be used to treat lymphedema. 


Centro Hub - Fontana
Dottoressa Silvia Fontana, physiatrist at AULSS 7 Pedemontana and scientific lead at the regional “Centro Hub” for Lymphedema in Veneto

«Lymphedema is a chronic and debilitating condition. It’s a swelling – explains Dr. Fontana – It’s essentially a build-up of fluids and protein within a part of the body, a limb, the head or chest. It’s a pathology that, if not well treated, can lead to complications that are more difficult to manage and are often irreversible. It’s considered to be a pathology, but in reality it includes many others, because the causes can be multiple»

«According to the WHO, lymphedema affects about 300 million people across the world, this equates to one out of 25 people being affected worldwide», the Doctor adds.

A frightening statistic that underscores the importance of an appropriate and hasty treatment. The causes for lymphedema can be genetic or acquired, often tied to oncological pathologies and cancer treatments. 

The role of the “Centro Hub” 

On April 1 2022, the “Centro Hub” of Santorso and Asiago was established as the first regional centre for lymphedema in Italy, following the 2016 guidelines. What is the “Centro Hub”’s function? «To be the place in which patients can get the attention of an intricate network of professionals, from diagnosis to treatments – continues Dr. Fontana – The last two years have proved how helpful the “Centro Hub” has been at sensitising and informing the public and general doctors, regarding an issue that, if not, tends to be confused or hidden»

It’s a debilitating condition, but often it’s kept hidden from patients, as the physiatrist describes: «Let’s keep in mind that lymphedema is a visible pathology. And very often people hide it. What happens then is they’re not able to manage it because they feel ashamed»

Innovation and research


One of the main features of the “Centro Hub” is the use of groundbreaking tools, such as lymph fluoroscopy, that is used to look at the lymphatic system and its dysfunctioning before the edema becomes evident. «We were the first hospital in Italy to introduce this technology to the national health care system», underlines Dr. Fontana, highlighting how it’s able to anticipate the insurgence of lymphedema and better precautious treatment. 

«Dr. Pontini and I are looking to develop studies and research that can contribute to better understanding of the disease. In the last decade, awareness of lymphedema has notably increased»

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