Medical doctors and Surgeons
Ageing of the breasts: what are the solutions?
Breasts, along with being a fundamental organ for the perception of femininity and body aesthetics, are subjected to an ageing process which can influence their shape and consistency in the course of a woman’s life. In order to better understand this process and its possible solutions, we interviewed professor Franz Wilhelm Baruffaldi Preis, surgeon specialising in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery as well as director of the complex plastic surgery department at the Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda in Milan.
Dr. Baruffaldi Preis painted a complete picture of the breasts’ evolution in the course of a woman’s life. Underlining the role of hormonal changes, pregnancies, gaining or losing weight, and medical procedures can play in influencing their shape and structure. «This type of change can occur on any type of breast both natural and redone. Ageing is physiological- explains the professor – These changes can lead to a deterioration of other physical and aesthetic aspects of the breasts, in doing so contributing to the ageing process».
Regaining the breasts’ proportions
One of the biggest fears regarding ageing of the breasts is the loss of elasticity and lowering of the organ. They can influence not only their look but also their functionality. Dr. Baruffaldi Preis explained how: «Surgical procedures such as breast augmentation with implants or breast reduction surgery can be used to regain the proportion of the breasts and enhance their look». These procedures aim to help patients become more confident, so as to feel better within their body.
However, Dr. Baruffaldi Preis also underlined the importance of carefully considering the long term implications of surgical intervention, especially when it comes to prosthetic implants. «The periodic replacement of implants is often necessary in the course of the patient’s life, since prosthetic implants aren’t eternal and may deteriorate with time».
The cult of the breasts
Different sizes for different countries. The social implication of plastic surgery is a deciding factor. The perception of breasts, may change depending on the context one is living in. Therefore the patient’s requests may also differ: «In America you’ll never see a woman walking around topless despite having large breasts, and having enhanced the aesthetic qualities of her chest. In Brazil it’s the opposite, large breasts are not good, they perform many procedures in order to reduce the size. This is why breast reduction surgery is very popular there – explains the doctor – In Italy, and Europe it’s the opposite. People tend to want breasts that fit into those proportions and topless is more widely accepted. Obviously this is also due to a religious culture. It differs from most places, in which they believe that covering the body is not limited to the breasts, but refers to the whole body».
Psychological benefits
Moreover, Dr. Baruffaldi Preis discussed the psychological benefits that may come from breast reconstructive or aesthetic surgery. He spoke about patients who, after having gone through procedures to regain shape and consistency in the breasts, have regained confidence and bettered their interpersonal relationships.
Plastic surgery is an effective way of facing changes associated with ageing of the breasts. It allows women to feel good in their own bodies and raising their quality of life. It is however important that patients be properly informed on the risks and implications that come with surgeries. In order to make an informed decision regarding their physical and psychological wellbeing.