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The Balletto Teatro Torino project




Promoting Reflection through Ballet. The Balletto Teatro Torino, a contemporary dance company based in Turin, champions a manifesto centered on women, placing their bodies at the heart of an artistic, emotional, and social dialogue. This meeting point will take place on November 6, 2024, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., at Via Cottolengo 12 in Turin. Through the three-year project “Turin, What Culture!” supported by the city, BTT explores beauty and dance as tools for social change and community connection. This initiative, realized in collaboration with Egribiancodanza and Guitare Actuelle, seeks to combine the artistic power of dance with the expressive and inclusive capacity of the body.

A supportive partnership: the dialogue with CasaBreast 

At the heart of this manifesto is a meaningful alliance between BTT and CasaBreast, a nonprofit associated with the Breast Unit of Cottolengo Hospital in Turin. CasaBreast is dedicated to providing psychological, existential, and spiritual support to cancer patients, aiming to improve their quality of life through comprehensive and continuous care. The association embraces the motto “#thepowerofateam,” emphasizing the importance of collaboration and the unique value of each individual in achieving shared goals.

In this context, BTT joins as a partner, seeking to use dance as a means of care and self-awareness. The goal is to create a path that transcends mere physical well-being, embracing a holistic approach to support and reflection.

Dance as a universal language and means of transformation 

BTT’s initiative starts from a fundamental idea: everyone can dance and use movement to explore their uniqueness and personal experiences. The body thus becomes a medium for transforming emotions and sharing experiences, employing somatic and physical practices that encourage self-knowledge and community connection. Dance, therefore, is not only an artistic discipline but a universal language capable of conveying emotions, personal stories, and intimate struggles.

With this vision, BTT seeks to create an inclusive space where each body can (re)-exist and tell its story, sharing experiences that, though personal, resonate within the collective.

An alliance for well-being and resilience 

The collaboration between BTT and CasaBreast exemplifies synergy among local actors with diverse expertise but a shared goal: promoting well-being and resilience through a collective journey. This dialogue arises from a desire to provide cancer patients and the community with a space where movement can become both therapy and a moment of discovery. In this context, dance acts as a bridge between the inner self and the social environment, offering the chance to rediscover one’s body—often affected by physical and psychological suffering—as a source of strength and resilience.

The intimate and collective dimension of dance 

One of the central aims of this manifesto is to create a shared experience for the Turin community, where individuals can find themselves and identify with one another. Dance becomes the connecting thread, intertwining biographies, life stories, and daily challenges to form an expressive space that unites and gives voice to what often remains unspoken. Through performances and workshops, BTT seeks to transform these lived experiences into performative acts that narrate the stories of those who, day after day, confront personal and collective challenges.

A body that re-exists beyond illness 

In essence, Balletto Teatro Torino’s proposal is an act of resilience and celebration. It is a project that allows the body to tell its story and be heard, transcending illness and hardship. In this dialogue between dance and care, the female body becomes not just a means of expression but a symbol of resilience and regeneration.

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