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The 72nd edition of the National SICPRE Congress



72° edizione Congresso SICPRE

The 72nd National  SICPRE Congress (Italian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery) will take place from October 10th to 12th, 2024, in Giardini Naxos. Hosted at Delta Hotels by Marriott, the event will bring together doctors, researchers, and specialists in plastic surgery. The aim is to share the latest scientific and technological developments in the field. The congress stands out for its dynamic and interactive format, actively engaging participants and allowing them to directly contribute to the sessions’ content.

Scientific program

The initiative is structured into thematic sessions covering various areas of plastic surgery. Including aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery, body contouring, microsurgery, and facial aesthetic surgery. The objective is to share the latest scientific and technological advancements in the field. Among the sponsors of this edition is Revée, supporting an event known for its dynamic and interactive format that actively involves participants.

Each session will be led by expert moderators, with the presence of internationally renowned keynote speakers. They will enrich the discussions with particularly significant contributions.

One of the innovative aspects of this Congress is the “Focus on” sessions. These sessions address particularly controversial topics or areas requiring continuous updates. Topics to be discussed include the “National Breast Implant Registry”. The use of polyurethane implants, and the evolution of breast reconstruction techniques. There will also be discussions on broader topics. For example as complications in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, the treatment of congenital malformations, and the use of new technologies in managing challenging wounds.

Communication and ethics in the digital era at the SICPRE Congress

The Congress will not only be an opportunity to deepen technical and scientific knowledge but also a chance to reflect on ethical and professional issues. One of the most anticipated sessions is dedicated to “Communication and Artificial Intelligence in Plastic Surgery”. It will explore the impact of new technologies in the field. Additionally, there will be discussions on the ethics of aesthetic surgery in the social media era, where personal image is increasingly influenced by digital technologies.

In addition to the technical and scientific sessions, the Congress will also offer moments of reflection on the role of education and research in the growth of plastic surgery in Italy. The opening session, led by SICPRE President Francesco Stagno d’Alcontres, will pay tribute to Professor Giovanni Micali, one of the historic figures in Italian plastic surgery. Furthermore, the Congress will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the passing of Professor Gustavo Sanvenero Rosselli, a pioneer of modern plastic surgery.

The SICPRE National Congress thus presents itself as an unmissable event for those working in the field of plastic surgery. It is an opportunity that combines scientific excellence with the importance of dialogue and sharing experiences.

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