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Prevention and training: health weekend in Piedmont



Prevenzione e formazione: weekend della salute in Piemonte

In the month dedicated to the fight against breast cancer, there are numerous events promoting prevention and professional training. On October 18th, 2024, the 9th Conference of Nurses of the Oncological Network of Piedmont and Aosta Valley will take place. On October 18th and 19th, an initiative called Torino Breast Days will be held to raise awareness about the importance of screenings and early diagnosis.

9th Conference of Nurses of the Oncological Network of Piedmont and Aosta Valley

The Salone Tartara in Casale Monferrato will host “The Nursing Profession in Oncology: ‘Roots’…The Future.” This 9th Conference of Nurses of the Oncological Network of Piedmont and Aosta Valley is open to a maximum of 100 participants. It will be an important opportunity for oncological nursing professionals to engage in discussions and earn 6 accredited ECM credits from Agenas.

The conference will begin with a series of presentations focused on advanced training, including an in-depth look at university pathways and the training needs of nurses. The theme of proximity nursing will also be addressed, focusing on the CONCURA project, an innovative initiative aimed at ensuring home care continuity for oncology therapies.

In the afternoon, there will be a presentation of the competing posters. The winners of the DaRosa ONLUS Association Award 2024 will also be announced. The day will conclude with a roundtable discussing the future challenges for the nursing profession in oncology, a crucial topic in the evolving healthcare landscape.

To register, please visit

Torino Breast Days on oncological prevention

Torino Breast Days will take place at the Giovanni Agnelli Foundation in Turin. The congress, organized by the Breast Unit of the Città della Salute e della Scienza di Turin, will discuss the main innovations in breast cancer treatment, covering prevention and diagnosis through to medical, surgical, and radiotherapeutic therapies. Industry experts will share their knowledge and experiences in a program rich in sessions dedicated to various specialty areas.

The role of artificial intelligence in treatment selection and post-surgical patient care management will also be discussed. A key element of the congress is the multidisciplinary training of future specialists in Breast Units.

Revée is a sponsor of both events, emphasizing the importance of collaboration between the healthcare sector and the community to build a more informed and health-conscious future for everyone.

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