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“Finalmente Mammella 2024”: a course on breast plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgery



Finalmente Mammella 2024

The “Finalmente Mammella 2024” course on breast plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgery is being held today and tomorrow, November 7-8, 2024, in Santa Margherita Ligure (GE), Italy.

The event, hosted at the Best Western Hotel Regina Elena, offers a unique opportunity for professionals in the field to learn about the latest techniques and innovations in breast treatment from both aesthetic and reconstructive perspectives.

Advanced techniques for personalised breast surgery

With the support of the University of Milan and the G. Sansevero Rosselli Foundation for Plastic Surgery Studies, the course is organised by scientific directors Pietro Berrino and Marco E. Klinger. Thanks to the contributions of distinguished speakers and moderators, the course aims to provide comprehensive training on key topics in breast surgery, including breast augmentation and reduction techniques, post-operative complication management, and innovations in reconstructive surgery.

A central theme of the event is the importance of a personalised approach for each patient. There is no single “perfect breast”; rather, there is a “perfect breast for that woman.” This idea will guide discussions on selecting the most appropriate treatment based on each patient’s physical characteristics and aesthetic goals. Specifically, breast surgery encompasses procedures such as augmentation or reduction, mastopexy (with or without implants), and correction of congenital or post-surgical deformities.

The “Finalmente Mammella 2024” program

The objective of “Finalmente Mammella 2024” is to deepen and update the theoretical knowledge of plastic surgeons while providing hands-on clinical experience. Sessions will include roundtable discussions on relevant topics such as breast augmentation, mastopexy with implants, and the complications related to both aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. Participants will also have the chance to delve into specific issues like managing capsular contracture and exploring various techniques for breast reconstruction, both autologous and heterologous.

The course is aimed at specialised surgeons and trainees in plastic and general surgery, with a particular focus on those already practising breast reconstructive and ablative procedures. It will be an invaluable opportunity for professional development, helping attendees refine their techniques, improve complication management, and stay informed about the latest advancements in surgical practices.

New horizons in breast surgery

The course will cover advanced topics such as managing breast asymmetries, the use of implants, and fat cryopreservation. Participants will also explore new approaches to breast cancer treatment, emerging trends in breast aesthetic surgery, and remodelling techniques for cases involving exposed implants.

“Finalmente Mammella 2024” is an unmissable opportunity for industry professionals eager to stay at the forefront of surgical practices and breast aesthetic solutions. Revée, one of the course sponsors, is proud to support such a significant event, representing a moment of growth and learning for all specialists in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery.

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