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C.LO.DO, 4th Lombard Congress of Oncological Dermatologic Surgery



C.LO.DO 2024

The 4th Lombard Congress of Oncological Dermatologic Surgery (C.LO.DO) will be held on November 9, 2024, at the Enterprise Hotel in Milan. This significant event serves as a focal point for specialists in non-melanoma skin cancer treatment, offering a comprehensive platform for discussion and updates on topics ranging from diagnosis and therapy to the latest technologies in dermatology.

Non-melanoma skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, are on the rise, often attributed to prolonged sun exposure and environmental factors. The congress aims to provide an overview of the multidisciplinary approach necessary for managing these pathologies, underscoring the importance of collaboration across medical specialties. This fourth edition will further explore the role of multidisciplinary strategies in treating skin cancers, focusing on lesions in the sensitive head and neck regions.

From surgery to technological innovation

The program for the 4th C.LO.DO Congress is structured into four thematic sessions. After registration, the event will officially begin with an introduction by Dr. Silvio Abatangelo, one of the congress presidents.

The first session will address skin cancers of the head and neck area, delving into surgical techniques and methodologies for managing lymph node metastasis. Key presentations by Prof. Franco Parmigiani and Dr. Giampiero D’Addazio will examine the challenges of reconstructive surgery in this delicate area. Clinical case studies will demonstrate how targeted surgical approaches can restore not only aesthetics but also functionality in treated areas.

The second session will focus on oncological dermatology, particularly on treatments for precancerous and cancerous lesions like actinic keratosis. Dr. Giuseppe Spadola will discuss emerging frontiers in photodynamic therapy, while Dr. Mario Valenti and Dr. Adriano Piris will offer an international perspective on the latest advancements in dermatopathology. Dr. Stefano Crippa will also highlight the benefits of a multidisciplinary team in managing skin cancers, emphasizing the effectiveness of Mohs surgery, a highly specialized technique that removes tumors while preserving as much healthy tissue as possible.

C.LO.DO for enhanced networking

In the afternoon, the congress will spotlight vulnology, a field closely related to dermatologic surgery. Moderated by Prof. Franco Bassetto and Dr. Marco Guizzardi, the third session will see Dr. Claudio Ligresti explore the link between vulnology and non-melanoma skin cancers. This will be followed by Dr. Clara Maino’s insights on managing complications in dermatologic surgery, and Dr. Matteo Tretti Clementoni’s presentation on scar modulation using laser therapy—a continually evolving technique that offers promising avenues for post-operative recovery.

An innovative aspect of this year’s event is the fourth session, dedicated to new technologies in dermatology. Video dermatoscopy and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing the way physicians diagnose and treat skin cancers. Dr. Marco Marconi will discuss the role of video dermatoscopy in early diagnosis, while Dr. Francesco Brucchi will introduce “Dermanet,” an innovative platform for managing non-melanoma skin cancers.

Telemedicine’s growing importance in dermatology will also be a prominent topic. As demand for rapid and remote care increases, telemedicine has become a crucial resource, improving access to treatment, reducing waiting times, and enhancing intervention efficacy.

Accredited by the Continuing Medical Education (ECM) program, the congress offers participants the chance to earn educational credits while staying updated on critical topics in the field. Supported by Revée, which shares the goal of advancing dermatological research and innovation, the event promises to be a key opportunity for specialists dedicated to the treatment of skin cancers.

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