The Editorial Board
The idea of creating a new Magazine was conceived with the goal of providing a tool to spread information about plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery.
The mission of this new editorial product, published by Revee SRL, is to spread scientific and cultural content, pertaining to professional figures that work within the surgery and pathology departments of the medical industry. Specifically, the magazine seeks to:
- foster scientific and professional reflection on clinical practices, evidence of effectiveness, techniques and methods of evaluation and intervention;
- provide patients and associations testimonies to raise awareness on different issues.
The magazine is open to contributions from all professionals in the sector, with particular regard to plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgeons and representatives of reference associations for the purpose of publishing articles certifying the research in progress.
News magazine regarding the world of surgery and well-being
Registered at the Courthouse of Turin n. 21 on 17/10/2023
Published by REVEE SRL corso Quintino Sella,131 – Torino C.F. 10818580010
Editor in chief Debora Pasero
In the editorial team Erika Zaffalon, Cosimo Di Martino, Vittoria Savino
Scientific supervisors
Dr.ssa Elena Lucattelli, specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery at U.O.C. – Ospedale A. Franchini, Santarcangelo di Romagna
Prof. Marco Gonella, psychotherapist at ASL of the city of Turin, clinical psychology specialist and contracted professor at the School of Clinical Psychology of the University of Turin
To send a press release: email or contact 0116990187
Graphics and layout by Simona Inglese
Press Societa’ Tipografica Ianni Srl, Via Circonvallazione, 180 – Santena (TO)
Images Freepik, Elements Envato
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