Primitive cutaneous tumours represent a heterogeneous group of oncological pathologies characterised by significant clinical, dermatoscopic, histopathological, and course differences. These will be discussed in “Non solo...
Learning from leading experts in the field of reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery around the theme of breast cancer. This is just one of the many...
The 4th National Congress on Diastasis of the Rectus Abdominis Muscles will take place in Venice on December 1st. It will focus on diagnosis, legal aspects...
Body Remodelling: From Functional Corrections to Aesthetic Surgery Solutions. This will be the central theme of the 6th AICPEO Congress, which will take place on November...
On November 22nd 2023, at 8:30 PM, the Italian League Against Cancer (LILT) in Turin is hosting a new webinar. “Prostate Cancer: the Pitfalls of a...
Training and Innovation at Finalmente Mammella!2023: an opportunity aimed at Doctors and Surgeons. The SICPRE Refresher Course in Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Breast Surgery is scheduled...
The V National Congress of the Italian Unitary Society of Endocrine Surgery (SIUEC) represents a significant event that will take place at the T Hotel in...
On November 3rd and 4th, Palermo will host the Advanced Breast Plastic Surgery with live surgery. The new AICPE course on specific techniques related to additive...
Revée will attend the 10th AICPE conference in Florence from 14 to 16 April 2023. The meeting will take place in the suggestive Fortezza da Basso....
We ran a 5-km marathon throughout Italy thanks to the support of our collaborators located in different Italian cities. Despite the distance, our entire team has...