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Casa Breast: support and hope for women facing breast cancer



There’s a home where the walls tell stories of strength and resilience, and where every gesture, smile, and word offer refuge to those confronting one of life’s toughest battles. In this symbolic and real “Casa” (home), Monica Schina—a volunteer and board member of Casa Breast—dedicates her time to bring hope and support to women affected by breast cancer. The association, created to complement the Breast Unit at the Cottolengo Hospital in Turin, directs its mission to all women on a breast cancer care journey, aiming to humanize the care process. It offers more than just medical treatment, providing a support system encompassing awareness, close volunteer support, and physical and mental rehabilitation pathways.

The mission of Casa Breast

«Casa Breast was founded to support women through the oncology journey with targeted activities focused on awareness, prevention, and support at every stage of the disease», Schina explains. The primary goal is to accompany patients, offering them closeness through a volunteer-based approach, an accompaniment that goes beyond medical assistance alone.

Monica Schina, a volunteer and board member of Casa Breast

«Our approach – she says – is based on the concept of helping these women return to a normal life, or at least a life as close to normal as possible, which involves interaction and integration with those fortunate enough not to have experienced the disease».

The mission of the association revolves around three pillars: prevention awareness, support throughout the care journey, and reintegration into daily life. Thanks to the dedication of volunteers and collaboration with Cottolengo Hospital, Casa Breast supports women through all phases of the illness. Its initiatives focus not only on physical care but also on the psychological and social well-being of the patients, facilitating a return to a “normalcy” that is often disrupted by the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

«A key strength is that within our organization, especially on our board, we have not only patients but also doctors – Schina emphasizes – This demonstrates a commitment not only to treat the disease but also to care for the person, meeting patients on the same level as both volunteers and medical staff»

Support initiatives for women

Casa Breast’s main initiatives include psychosocial support activities and social events. «We organize social gatherings and events where women with breast cancer can share experiences and find comfort in each other’s company, as well as with friends, family, and those who haven’t faced this illness», Schina shares. Medical professionals also participate in these volunteer projects, ensuring access to complementary services such as nutritional counseling with oncological dietitians and acupuncture sessions to relieve therapy side effects.

One of the most innovative projects is “The At-Home Surgeon”—a unique service providing home assistance by a surgeon and a nurse for vulnerable patients, both financially and health-wise. This initiative was designed to ensure quality post-operative care for those who, for various reasons, cannot visit the hospital frequently.

«This is a unique service among volunteer associations – Schina says – allowing those facing greater financial or health challenges to receive post-operative care directly at home». The association also promotes well-being through dance, collaborating with the Ballet of the Teatro di Torino. These dance sessions are designed to help patients rediscover their bodies and the joy of movement. «On November 6 – Schina recalls – the women took part in gentle physical activity aimed at rejuvenating their bodies and finding a lighter, healthier existence». Casa Breast also offers acupuncture programs for patients developing neuropathies as a therapy side effect, while the “Evolve” project includes nutritional consultations and gentle movement pathways to help women recover physically and mentally.

Beauty and self-esteem as part of care

«Feeling beautiful is fundamental to feeling better – Schina explains – and that’s why we organize sessions in collaboration with professional estheticians, helping women regain confidence in themselves, even when therapy side effects are visible». Casa Breast acknowledges the importance of maintaining one’s appearance during treatment, a challenge often underestimated but essential for preserving self-esteem. With the help of cosmetics brands, the association organizes meetings where patients can try products suitable for skin sensitized by treatments and receive makeup tips from professionals. These moments allow women to feel beautiful even during the toughest periods, rediscovering the value of self-care.

Personal experience as a resource

What motivated Monica Schina to join Casa Breast? «I discovered the association at the end of my own cancer journey – she recalls -. After a year of constant contact with the medical team, I found myself feeling lost. I thought it was the right time to transform a negative experience into something positive, to give back some of what, paradoxically, had enriched me». Her personal experience has thus become a driving force for continuing to give and receive support within the association: «Casa Breast has become my family – Schina adds – allowing me not only to help others but also to find new stability for myself»

Her journey has made her aware of the importance of offering human support and closeness to those facing illness, as a comforting word or a simple gesture can make a real difference. Monica’s involvement on the board reflects a commitment to make Casa Breast a place that meets the concrete needs of patients, thanks to the insight of someone who has personally experienced this journey.

«The synergy with Cottolengo Hospital – Schina explains – allows us to support patients from the moment of diagnosis, providing them and their families with psychological and informational support». This collaboration is especially valuable for offering patients simplified information about treatments and procedures and helping them find a balance between hospital and post-hospital care.

Finally, Casa Breast’s message extends to the theme of prevention, which, according to Schina, is crucial to ensuring a future where breast cancer can be detected early and treated more successfully. «We want to see more and more women undergo mammograms and preventive screenings because only through prevention can we make this cancer increasingly treatable».

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