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“Bici in Rosa”: promoting prevention and healthy lifestyle



Proff. Vittorio Altomare, responsible for the Breast Unit of “Università Campus Biomedico di Roma”

Bicycles aren’t simple means of transportation, they’re also an opportunity to promote healthy lifestyles and breast cancer prevention. This is the goal of “Bici in Rosa“, initiative that will take place this year on Sunday April 7th 2024, supported by Professor Vittorio Altomare, responsible for the Breast Unit of “Università Campus Biomedico di Roma”, realised with the help of the “Fondazione Policlinico Campus Biomedico”.

«”Bici in Rosa” is an initiative born from my passion for amateur cycling», declares Professor Altomare. He underlines the importance of promoting bicycle use not only as a mean of sustainable transportation but also as a tool for cancer prevention, specifically breast cancer. «The “Bici in Rosa” event aims to emphasise the importance of doing preventative check ups in officially recognised, controlled and validated structures. Nowadays this illness is common across the country, therefore the “Bici in Rosa” manifestation intends to give media attention to this aspect».

The goals of the initiative: healthy lifestyles and prevention

The main goal of “Bici in Rosa” is to sensitise women on the importance of prevention and regular check ups for breast health. «We want to help women understand the importance of prevention and promote the construction of structures dedicated to the treatment and protection of patients affected by breast cancer» explains Professor Altomare. A good diet and a regular physical exercise are the fundamental pillars of breast cancer prevention. «Diet and exercise play a crucial role in preventing breast cancer – declares Altomare -. The Mediterranean diet and at least half an hour of daily physical exercise are crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and reducing the risk of developing tumours».

Exercise ad a means of recovery after breast cancer diagnosis

Physical exercise isn’t only useful for preventing breast cancer but also plays an important role in psychologically helping women who have faced this disease. «It’s definitely very effective in recovering from a psychological point of view, but also from a rehabilitative physiotherapy point of view», comments Altomare.

«Even simple amateur physical exercise, like a weekend walk or bike ride, if done regularly can have a significant impact. Women who have undergone a procedure like breast cancer surgery tend to feel diminished – adds Altomare-. Getting back to physical exercise can help women discover that, although they had to give up part of their organ, they haven’t lost any physical ability and the possibility of being physically fit».

Participate in “Bici in Rosa”

«The invite is of course addressed to everyone living in the Lazio region. But it’s extended to whoever wants to join us. We’re ready to set off from Rome on April 7th, from Nando Martellini stadium next to the Italic Forum. That’s where we’ll set off and then return. It’s a stroll, I repeat, amateureal and open to children, mothers, the elderly the length of circa 57 kilometres and we’ll be returning to the same spot going through all the most beautiful places in Rome, from the Colosseum to the Imperial Forums».

For more information and to sign up, it’s possible to visit the website

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