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Medical doctors and Surgeons

Innovation and research in the fight against breast cancer



In the fight against breast cancer, a new frontier of breast surgery has been discovered under the banner of innovation and research. Robotic and minimally invasive procedures offer women with breast tumours a real chance and an avant-garde treatment against this devastating disease. 

To speak about the sudden discoveries is Antonio Toesca, breast surgeon with 20 years of experience, currently he is head of breast surgery at the Oncological Institute of Candiolo in Turin

Antonio Toesca, breast surgeon with 20 years of experience, currently he is head of breast surgery at the Oncological Institute of Candiolo in Turin.

According to Doctor Toesca, the increase in cases of breast cancer among young women in the

last few years creates many issues both for surgeons and for patients. 

«Factors such as genetic predisposition, lifestyle and environmental conditions contribute to this trend, underlining the importance of early diagnosis and sensitising on the topic of prevention», he adds.

Minimally invasive surgery and breast cancer

In order to tackle these issues, Doctor Toesca introduced minimally invasive and robotic procedures to the breast. «This type of procedure involves the removal of the mammary gland through small incisions hidden under the armpit. It allows for an excellent preservation of the mammary tissue and an immediate reconstruction of the breast during the procedure itself». 

The main advantages of this technique include less invasiveness, reduced scars and more rapid recovery for patients. It allows them to go back to normal as soon as possible.

«Recent studies conducted in Italy have compared the results of minimally invasive and robotic surgery with traditional surgery, showcasing a minor impact on the quality of life of patients who had undergone these types of procedures», explains Toesca.

«These results were published in important scientific magazines, highlighting the efficiency of this technique in bettering patients’ post-surgery experience». 

Doctor Toesca underlines how minimally invasive and robotic surgery is recommended especially in cases in which it isn’t possible to preserve the breast. In cases of genetic mutations or prophylactic procedures. «However, this technique can also be considered by patients who wish to preserve the body’s look and integrity». 

Ever more accessible technology

Although this technique is still limited to few specialised centres, due to the elevated costs, Doctor Toesca hopes it will become ever more accessible in all health centres, guaranteeing advanced and minimally invasive treatment to all women.

«In conclusion, breast surgery is going through a phase of rapid evolution thanks to technological advancements, offering women new options of facing breast cancer with a minimal impact on their daily lives and better preservation of their health and beauty», concludes Doctor Toesca.

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