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Finalmente Mammella! 2023



finalmente mammella

Training and Innovation at Finalmente Mammella!2023: an opportunity aimed at Doctors and Surgeons. The SICPRE Refresher Course in Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Breast Surgery is scheduled for November 16th and 17th 2023, at the BEST WESTERN HOTEL REGINA ELENA in Santa Margherita Ligure, under the scientific direction of Dr. Pietro Berrino and Professor Marco E. Klinger

It involves disciplines ranging from General Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery to Gynecology and Obstetrics, Oncology, Radiodiagnostics and Radiotherapy.

The course aims to provide specific technical-professional content for each profession involved. Emphasising knowledge, skills in specialisation and ultra-specialised activities, with particular attention to rare diseases and gender medicine. 


The course is designed for Doctors and Surgeons who wish to deepen their knowledge in breast surgery. On the 16th, the topics will focus on mastopexy and the safety of regularly performing total capsulectomy. In addition, there will be two round tables dedicated to breast malformations and lipofilling. 

The latter topic will continue to be addressed on the 17th, a day dedicated to total capsulectomy in the replacement of macrotexturised implants. The afternoon will begin with a meet the expert on BIA-ALCL: updates on the actual mammary incidence and will continue with two round tables on breast reconstruction

Revée is among the sponsors of this important learning and updating opportunity with moments of discussion and debates during which multiple industry experts will share their knowledge. 

The complete program is available on the website.

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