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Blepharoplasty: the gaze of youth



The eyes are the mirror of the soul and a fresh gaze can significantly change the expression of the face. That’s why many people turn to blepharoplasty, a cosmetic surgery procedure that guarantees rejuvenation of the upper third of the face. Dr. Massimo Dolcet, a plastic surgeon at the San Giovanni Battista Hospital in Turin, shares his experience in the field of blepharoplasty, a procedure that is increasingly sought after to counteract the aging the orbital and eyelid region. 

The plastic surgeon, also known for his engagement in the university division of plastic surgery, emphasises the importance of blepharoplasty, highlighting how the ageing of this facial area is inevitable, especially after the age of forty.

What are the most requested facial procedures

Dr. Dolcet lists a range of procedures, spanning from rhinoplasty to chin plastic surgery.

Dr Massimo Dolcet, plastic surgeon at the San Giovanni Battista hospital in Turin

«Let’s say that the procedure that definitely garners unanimous agreement is blepharoplasty, in the sense that ageing of the orbital-eyelid region is practically universal regardless of gender – Dolcet explains – After the age of forty, both in male and female subjects, the ageing of this region is unfortunately inevitable».

In describing signs of ageing in the eyelid area, Dr. Dolcet talks about a buildup of skin on the upper eyelids and the emergence of protruding fatty bags on the lower eyelids. These signs contribute to a more closed and heavy appearance, influencing the upper third of the face.

Blepharoplasty: solutions and recovery

The plastic surgeon has performed over four hundred blepharoplasty procedures, taking on the challenge of rejuvenating the gaze. The post-operative recovery is described as quick, with scars healing rapidly due to the vascularisation of the area.

«It is the only region of the body where stitches can be removed five or six days after surgery», assures the surgeon. 

Although female patients are predominantly affected, an increasing number of men are opting for this procedure due to its non-invasive nature and well-tolerated pain management.

«Essentially, patients are over forty then there can also be very particular situations , but there can also be very specific situations – Dolcet explains – Maybe very young girls who happened to operate on lower blepharoplasty that had hereditary fat bags. So the mother, the sister, the grandmother had this problem from a young age, and so these girls, maybe twenty, twenty-three, twenty-five, had a tired, aged look».

Dr. Dolcet underlines that «Blepharoplasty can be performed on an outpatient basis with local anaesthesia». The patient can return home after the procedure, with an extremely rapid recovery.

«Blepharoplasty has become a routinary procedure», reassures Dolcet, emphasising the importance of entrusting the procedure to experienced hands to ensure an optimal outcome. He encourages people not to be frightened by the surgery, highlighting its outpatient nature and rapid postoperative recovery. 

In conclusion, blepharoplasty, competently performed, emerges as an effective option to restore freshness and youthfulness to the upper third of the face, positively influencing the appearance and confidence of individuals who choose to undergo this procedure.

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