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Diastasis recti: a disease that for many does not exist



“I thought I was crazy”. Elena Albanese, founder of the Diastasi Donna ODV association, which is responsible for raising awareness and help preventing the symptoms of diastasis recti, describes her pathological condition, in her interview with Revée journalists.
Her story began in 2014, after the birth of her second child, when her body experienced a change.
I had lower back pain, incontinence problems, leg instability, as well as digestion issues, so many symptoms that are difficult to identify in a pathology”, explains the founder.

This pathology affects 70% of women who have given birth, which is often undiagnosed by doctors or ignored by family members who tend to belittle it. For this reason, the founder of Diastasi Donna ODV decided to tell her experience to help other women.

Diastasis recti: what you need to know

After all, it doesn’t matter to have some belly when you have given birth to two wonderful children!” The president of the association repeated this comment several times, when she showed her swollen abdomen.

Those who suffer from diastasis recti have an enlarged abdomen even after drinking a glass of water, suffer from back pain, digestive disorders, and urinary dysfunctions. This disease mainly affects new mothers, even if men and women who have lost a lot of weight can also suffer from it.

Diastasis recti

It is important to raise awareness about this pathology, not only among women —continues the president of Diastasi Donna ODV—. In May we will organize the 4th Diastasis Recti congress in Venice. In 2020 we also presented a bill in the Italian Parliament, and we will soon have some updates.”

Diastasis recti surgery

There are several techniques that can be used to treat this pathology: abdominoplasty, which lasts about 4 hours, laparoscopy or endoscopy”, explains the founder of the association.

The recovery time is 2 months, after which patients can go back to lead a normal life and appreciate their body. “It is possible to do targeted exercises to prevent or contain the problem,” adds Albanese, specifying that a relapse after surgery is unlikely.

However, it must be emphasized that this surgery is recognized by the Italian national health-care system only if certain conditions are met. The distance between the two muscles must be of at least 6 cm in Northern Italy and 10 cm in Sicily. “This disparity highlights the difficulty in accessing care”, points out Albanese, underlining the difficulties of those who turn to public health.

After the surgery it is important to feel confident and protected. Revée products are a great ally for that. Thanks to the constant compression action, the garment contains bruises and swelling, while allowing the tissues to rearrange themselves properly, preventing the formation of laxity.

Post-operative care is also extremely relevant. In this regard, Albanese talked about his experience with Revée products, in particular with the abdominal binder. The founder’s advice is invaluable for all people who undergo this kind of surgery: “I want all women to be as satisfied as I was with Revée products.”

The service offered by Diastasi Donna ODV

Diastasi Donna ODV provides both pre- and post-surgery assistance with a professional team made up of nutritionists, midwives, physiotherapists and osteopaths, throughout Italy,” explains the president.

In addition, psychological support is provided to help patients both with regards to the pathology and with the surgery-related process: “Diastasis recti is a physical pathology, but it also has repercussions on a psychological level. We collaborate with many surgeons and plastic surgeons throughout Italy, who support us in our fight and dissemination mission,” adds Albanese, considering the close bond between mind and body.

The association continues to grow day after day, demonstrating the increasing awareness building up around this pathology. “We have reached over 30,000 women throughout Italy, and we will continue to fight to prevent diastasis recti and make it known to as many people as possible.”

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